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Creation for Kids: Planets around other stars
April 17, 2024
Planets around other stars are problematic for evolutionary theories. There is no life in them, because they are not suitable homes. And life can’t arise from non-living chemical, even on Earth; rather, God created first during Creation Week.
By Jonathan Sarfati
Were the pyramids built before the Flood?
April 16, 2024
We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology.
By Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Nuclear engineer defends biblical creation
April 15, 2024
Christian Ph.D. engineer defends Creation with scientific support
By Jonathan Sarfati
No death before fall
April 13, 2024
A correspondent asks: Was there really no death before the Fall? What about bugs and bee stingers?
By Lita Sanders
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The Gospel is the revelation that Jesus Christ (God incarnate) died on the Cross and took the punishment for the sins of humanity that began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve both disobeyed God.

Creation Relevance

What you believe about your origins impacts so many things such as why there is life and death, why we live in family groups and why there is a need for law and morality.


Most people believe these fascinating creatures died out 65 million years ago, but recent discoveries of soft tissues in fossils shows they lived more recently.

Noah's Flood

Evidence abounds for this world-wide, cataclysmic event, and not just in the geological record. There are many descriptions that match such an event found in various societies throughout the world.

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