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Braterman ‘slam dunk’ flunk
Retired anti-creationist professor gives grade ‘F’ advice to followers.
by Andrew Lamb
Reading ‘origin of life’ research
What should we be aware of as we try to read the secular literature with a careful and critical eye?
by Shaun Doyle
On evolution and fraud
Why is evolutionary theory so full of deliberate frauds? And is this the major creationist argument against evolution?
by Joel Tay
Dr Charles Bree, the scientist who challenged Charles Darwin’s science
A long forgotten English zoologist and surgeon wrote the first book that set out to disprove evolution.
by Warren Nunn
Soil, trees and their fruit
The Lord Jesus told us that certain trees will produce certain fruit. Gary Bates uses this analogy to show the importance of Genesis creation for our worldviews.
by Gary Bates
How do miracles happen?
Do we need to know how miracles happen to know if they happen?
by Shaun Doyle
Sola Scriptura in an age of science
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Lita Sanders
The Bible is the bedrock of civilized society
History’s most influential book has been widely abandoned as the world rejects its transformative power and embraces evolution.
by Warren Nunn
How to think (not what to think)
Understanding the difference between what opposing theories predict helps to discriminate between them and thus avoid useless arguments.
by Robert Carter
A flat earth, and other nonsense
Why the earth is a globe: refuting some mendacious Internet videos
by Jonathan Sarfati
Isaiah 40:22 and the shape of the earth
The Hebrew word khûg, used in Isaiah 40:22, refers to a spherical earth.
by Dominic Statham
Wagging a finger at creationists
Answering a critic who scolds creationists on moral and intellectual grounds.
by Keaton Halley