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Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
Three become one
An extraordinary fossil leaves a record of death which scientists are struggling to explain.
by Philip Robinson
Thunder lizards
Cinema technologies have brought mankind face-to-face with Earth’s largest-ever land animals, but what do we really know about them?
by Russell Grigg
Pterosaurs flew like modern aeroplanes
New discoveries about a tiny pterosaur bone show that they flew with ‘aerodynamic tricks like those found in modern aircraft’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Can dinosaurs falsify evolution?
Dinosaurs captivate old and young alike, but why do people think they prove evolution?
by Gary Bates
A Chinese camarasaurus?
Ancient wine vessel depicts sauropod dinosaur
by Phil Robinson
Feathery flight of fancy
Microscopy of the famed Sinosauropteryx ‘dino-bird’ fossil shows the idea of ‘protofeathers’ fails under close scrutiny
by Shaun Doyle
Big questions
Christians do have helpful answers to the big questions in life. Just ask!
by Don Batten
Dinosaur and mammal tracks found together
Highly concentrated fossil tracks found near NASA Goddard Space Center support Noah’s Flood
by Michael Oard
Dinosaurs in Noah’s vineyard
In a region north of the mountains of Ararat where secular scholars believe vineyards were first planted, there is a church with carved images of dinosaurs.
by David Lewis
Grotesque dinosaur cannibals!
The Bible says God created animals to reproduce ‘after their kind’. But these dinosaurs ate their own kind! Go figure …
by David Catchpoole