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Page 7 of 16 (185 Articles)
Do monkeys play football?
Football’s governing bodies are trying to stop racist taunts from spectators. But do they understand the problem?
by David Catchpoole
Human/animal hybrids: are they possible, and could they be saved?
Are human/animal hybrids a problem for Christianity, or even a possibility?
by Lita Sanders
The Christian Nazi myth refuted
A review of: The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity by Bruce Walker
by Lita Sanders
Eugenics is back
It is abhorrent that humans should decide which baby is allowed to live based on their ‘fitness’.
by Russell Grigg
Gene editing babies? A dangerous, pointless experiment
A Chinese physicist claims to have used gene editing techniques on twins that were born last month. What should we think?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
The evolution of a monster!
Adolf Hitler embraced Darwin’s ideas and eugenics to justify exterminating ‘weaker’ races.
by Ed Garrett
The Christchurch mosque attacks: speaking Christ’s peace, truth and love
Speaking Christ’s peace, truth and love into a tragic massacre.
by Shaun Doyle
Why leave the atheists out?
The violence and bloodshed of the religion of atheism.
by Don Hardgrave
Brave warriors with words
Communication is key when it comes to deciphering some secrets.
by Carl Wieland
The inhuman nature of secular humanism
Historically, humanism had noble roots in Christian academia, but post-Reformation, through Unitarian influence, humanism’s biblical foundations were eroded and replaced by secular thinking based on evolution.
by Gavin Cox, Andrew Sibley
Does the Bible allow polygamy?
A correspondent asks about guidance for his country’s new converts to Christ who come from areas where polygamy is common. Another asks about the ‘Hobbit’ classified as Homo floresiensis.
by JS & L Cosner
Reformation Wall Vandalized Yet Again
Reformation wall defaced. Whodunnit and why? Widespread acceptance of homosexuality today signals spiritual situation of our modern culture.
by Matthew Cserhati, Joel Tay