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Who created God?
Atheists say that the universe and life began with no adequate cause, contradicting rationality.
by Don Batten
If God created the universe, then who created God?
by Jonathan Sarfati
15 Questions for Evolutionists
The teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.
by Don Batten
Is Atheism a religion?
The ‘seven dimensions’ of religion can be found in atheism.
by Daniel Smartt
Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation
Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation
by Jonathan Sarfati
Joshua’s long day
Wouldn’t people be flung into space if the world stopped rotating? What really happened?
by Russell Grigg
Is evolution true?
When the arguments used to support evolution are examined, how many actually pass muster?
by Don Batten
Darwin’s real message: have you missed it?
Darwin’s real message—have you missed it? Some evolutionists really do understand its materialistic implications.
by Carl Wieland
Philosophical arguments for God
Why think God exists? Here are several reasons why.
by Shaun Doyle
Faith and facts
When debating skeptics who insist that science is all about evidence, it’s important to show that their worldview is incoherent; it does not make rational sense of the world we live in.
by Don Batten
Why does science work at all?
The Bible provides all the necessary assumptions, but atheistic evolution can’t.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is Richard Dawkins an atheist?
Professor Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, says he is an atheist, but does he behave like a real atheist?
by Don Batten