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A long-overdue review of A Civic Biology
A Civic Biology was the centerpiece of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. It is high time to review what was in that textbook.
by Robert W Carter
Designer DNA
Scientists learn to encode 3-D printed objects with instructions coded in DNA, enabling them to replicate the objects again and again.
by Gavin Cox
Scopes at 100
The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom.
by Robert Carter
Destructive parasites: expressions of God’s creation?
Did God create destructive parasites?
by Warren Shipton
Biblical creation has the answers
Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Life: worthless or priceless?
Is it okay to abort deformed babies?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The age of the earth—and why it matters
Why billions of years is an even bigger issue than evolution.
by Gary Bates
Paleozoic Corals and Lunar Recession
The growth rings in Paleozoic corals are often used to support the idea that the earth is very old, but the argument was flawed from the beginning.
by Robert Carter
How I (a former Evolutionist) came to know Jesus as Creator and Saviour
How trying to disprove the Bible with evolution led someone to faith in Christ.
by Toru Yasui
The death of my beloved wife
Death will come to all of us unless Christ returns, so how can we be comforted after the death of a loved one?
by Clarence Janzen
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?
Are women superior to men because they have one more X chromosome?
by Shaun Doyle
Is Genesis 1 only about functional creation?
John Walton’s claim that Genesis 1 is exclusively about functional creation is considered and critiqued.
by Keaton Halley