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Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history
Those who insist that Biblical creationists are being divisive over ‘small details’, need to reconsider what Jesus said about Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Teaching people how to think
As trust in major social and academic institutions falls, people are falling into another form of futile thinking. Switching from one extreme to the other.
by Robert Carter
Is the seventh day an eternal day?
Can Hebrews 4 justify long creation days?
by n/a
Genesis is history!
The language of Genesis shows that it’s history, and that’s how the rest of the Bible treats it.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Could the Flood have been tranquil?
John Fleming proposed a tranquil Flood that left no trace. But then, why are scoffers without excuse? Could there be a tranquil flood any more than a tranquil explosion?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Denying the greatest event in the history of the world
Materialists change the dating convention of BC and AD to reflect their godless vision.
by Gary Bates
The Victoria Institute—the forerunner of modern creation science organizations
The forerunner of modern creation science organizations
by Andrew Sibley
Genesis contradictions?
Skeptics claim that the order of creation in Genesis 2 is different to that in chapter 1. But is it?
by Don Batten
Did God do what He said He did?
Dr Jonathan Sarfati answers a query on the length of God’s days.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days?
Why does six-day creation matter? How can we refute old-earth compromisers?
by Jonathan Sarfati
How the Bible makes sense of everything
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Early church fathers and creation
The majority of Church Fathers who commented on the issue believed that God created in six 24-hour days.
by Jonathan Sarfati