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Big-eye brain-less Neandertal nonsense
23 May 2013
Bigger eyes in Neandertals didn’t mean they had less brain.
by David Catchpoole, Don Batten
Conspiracy and doomsday scenarios: should Christians be worried?
12 May 2007
Was the US Government really behind 9/11? Is destructive weather really being generated by secret ‘scalar interferometry’ weapons? Are such claims true, and what should Christians do about it?
by Andrew Lamb
Discovering scientific evidence for creation
17 Feb 2014
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
The ridiculously poisonous Manchineel
21 Jun 2021
Every part of this tree is poisonous. How can we explain it?
by Lita Sanders
New radiohalo find challenges primordial granite claim
No substance to claims about ancient rocks.
by Tas Walker
Spectacular, surprising seals
14 May 2014
Seals were once mercilessly hunted for economic benefit. The more we learn of these special marine animals, the more we can appreciate the unique wisdom in their design.
by Paula Weston
How did the elephant get its trunk?
28 Sep 2013
Something that supposedly arose by evolutionary accidents has provided engineers with ‘startling’ design insights.
by David Catchpoole
Creation—the ‘dealbreaker’ for today’s generation
31 Dec 2015
Christian researcher notes that creation is an important issue for youth in the church—and even sometimes determines whether they stay or leave.
by Gary Bates, Carl Wieland
Exposing the deception
13 Jun 2016
Fed up with how evolution is promoted as fact, one scientist self-published a book which challenges the worldly view of origins.
by Carl Wieland
Oceans of water
04 Oct 2014
Deep inside the earth, there’s a lot of water. Is there a connection with Noah’s Flood?
by Tas Walker
Anders Breivik—Social Darwinism leads to mass murder
27 Apr 2012
He believed modern Darwinian eugenics could create a utopia. Enjoy this preview from the current Journal of Creation. Subscribe and be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Jerry Bergman
Why do so many people commit suicide?
03 Jan 2013
As evolutionary teaching has increased, so too has the number of people killing themselves.
by Seth Adamson