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Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—“a quite different way of analyzing the record”
11 Aug 2017
Understanding the earth’s geological record is undergoing a radical rethink.
by John K. Reed
Surveillance solution: mimicking a bug’s eye view
25 Aug 2008
Inspired by insect vision: new camera technology that can pick up detail in light and dark at the same time.
by David Catchpoole
Church censors biblical creation
13 Oct 2009
The Melbourne Anglican requests an article from CMI and then refuses to publish it because the editor could not find anyone willing to write a countering article.
by Don Batten
Forest of confusion
10 Dec 2015
Joseph Smith, Mormonism’s founder, claimed to believe in the Christian God; but the worldview he promoted is entirely different and incompatible with the Bible!
by Paul Price
Power evangelism
12 Jan 2009
Brad Tuttle flexes muscle for a purpose.
by Don Batten
Is there duplicity in the Bible?
18 Apr 2020
Is the Bible made up of stories plagiarized from other sources? Does it contain contradictions about God? Is it historically and scientifically accurate?
by Thomas Bailey
A compromised defence of Christianity
02 Mar 2021
When compromise enters into apologetics, it brings confusion. Confronting Christianity does answer questions from a Christian perspective, but is found wanting.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’
25 Jun 2018
It’s not right to blame the dingo, just for the sake of promoting the evolutionary storyline.
by David Catchpoole
Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts in a biblical cosmology
13 Oct 2018
When did stars explode, and how can we see their light under a biblical time frame? Are they compatible with a very good creation?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Bacterial mutations plus biblical geology
26 Feb 2011
Do bacteria suffer the same genetic entropy as multicellular organisms? Is the Flood the best biblical explanation for the geological record?
by Don Batten, Carl Wieland
Evolution’s oyster twist
17 Sep 2014
How do you go from ‘flat’ oysters to coiled shells?
by David catchpoole
Creation in-depth: The standing stones of creation
16 May 2014
Cold seeps are an enigmatic geological feature. Could they provide support for the Genesis Flood?
by Emil Silvestru